Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Make Plastic Water Bottles Extinct!

One part of our family's plastic free daily routine is our reusable water bottles. It is one part that we have down pat!  See our weekly plastic free update for this week here. Plastic water bottles are extinct in our family. Each person is accountable for their own Kleen Kanteen bottle - all the way down to the four year old. They have different color lids to distinguish whose bottle is whose.

Kleen Kanteen Reusable Bottles

When the plastic free version of Kleen Kanteen's product came out, I immediately ordered two. We had been using Swiss made Sigg bottles but I learned about the questionable lining that was used in the inside coating of the bottle and chose to discontinue our use. Goodbye Sigg, hello Kleen Kanteen.

Our local water source is not the most tasty - we filter our water. When we're out for a long day we will sometimes stop at a filtered water station for refillable gallon bottles and refill our individual water bottles. To the children it is a fun experience. They ask, "Can I refill my jug?" It makes me smile every time. 

With my clumsiness, the bottles have been dropped a few times ( okay maybe more than a few) but minus a few small dents, they are unharmed. It just adds character, right? At times if I have left my bottle somewhere I've been known to grab any glass jar to carry around with me. Repurpose a glass pasta sauce or peanut butter jar. Whatever you have available instead of buying a disposable water bottle. Who really knows what chemical compounds are lurking in the water you are about to consume. 

Think it over. You are what you eat or drink.


  1. Wonderful job on your posts. Looking forward to Chapter 3. Thank you for the tips, encouragement and inspiration.

    1. My pleasure. I hope to unveiled chapter 3 later this week. Stay tuned..
